Making money through 'word of media'
Its official, the new ‘word of mouth’ is ‘word of media!’ This doesn’t mean that word of mouth referrals are dead ...these are, according to B.N.I (the largest networking organisation in the world - of which I am a proud member) how 90% of business is generated, but there is no question that today a massive amount of business and new clients can be generated through online marketing and a good online presence. You see, the essence of generating these ‘word of mouth’ leads via networking, is by building relationships with fellow networkers ...and online marketing works in very much the same way!
At the outset, let me say, I’m a professional Content and Copy writer. I’m not a ‘Digital marketing expert.’ Many of these businesses are my clients, as they often outsource writers to provide written content for their clients. That doesn’t mean I can’t directly help you make money though, as there are many other aspects of making money online for which Content writers can be personally engaged.
So how do you make money through word of media?
I firmly believe that making money in business generally, simply requires 3 things. Have a good product or service that people need – present and market it well and deliver it well. If you have ...and carry out ...all these 3 things, you can’t fail to make money.
I’m not in the ‘motivation’ business, but how much you make generally equates to how big you want to go. I also can’t help you to create the right product or service, or deliver it well, but I can give you a great shot at setting yourself up to present and market it well ...and at the end of the day, making people aware of your service or product is what sells it.
But how do you do that? Well, in the same way networkers get their live ‘word of mouth’ referrals, you can use the online media to get your ‘word of media’ referrals ...and let’s face it, you definitely need to be marketing online through social media, because that’s simply the way the world is going. Generation Z, the new kids on the block (you know, the ones after the Millenials) are rapidly becoming its largest body of consumers and are not interested in being sold to. They want to be ‘engaged with’ online. They have been brought up with social media and in many cases this is the only place you can reach them!
So the principle is exactly the same as networking. Don’t sell to people – engage with them to build relationships. Once you are ‘trusted’ in media terms you become an ‘influencer’ and then products and services change hands.
To create and utilise an effective online presence you need to:
W for Website - Have a great website that is saying the right things to attract customers
A is for Articles/blogs – Give your customers useful information and educate them about your business
S is for Socialise – Engage with people on a consistent basis with S.M posts and messages, newsletters and e-mail promos
P is for Profiles and Presence – Great profiles are vital. Present yourself and your product in the best light.
Put a ‘sting’ in your online marketing campaign, by having this W.A.S.P professionally written for you ...and I can also help with advice on what to write about, should you need it.
My Slogan is ‘Creating customers through creative content’ – Let me start doing that for you today so you can start making money through ‘word of media.’