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Why you should hire a professional copy/content writer to write your stuff.

Off the bat I can think of at least three really good reasons you should employ the services of a professional Copy/Content writer to write your website pages, blogs, E-books, company profile, CV etc. They are:

Professional Copy/Content writers have a good command of the English language

There is an amusing story of Van der Merwe approaching a Bobby in London to ask for directions. “Sorry, he says (All south Africans start every sentence with ‘Sorry’) “Where Trafalgar square are?” The Policeman immediately corrects him saying “Sir, you never end a sentence with a preposition,” to which Van retorts “Okay, where Trafalgar square are, Ass?” Suffice to say, if Van ever embarks on creating an English website, it would probably be in his best interests to hire a professional writer. If English is not your home language and you are doing business in a primarily English community, then do not embarrass your business with any written material that displays spelling errors or poor grammar. Remember your website is the front face of your company.

Professional Copy/Content writers write with creativity and flair

I need to qualify this sub-heading by saying professional Copy/content writers should write with creative flair! Ensure that the writer you employ can show you some work that displays an element of creativity and that his writing is not just factual and boring. One of the primary reasons that professional writers are used is because they can inject an element of entertainment into what is often boring factual content. I believe I even invented a new word for this. It is ‘Enter-actual’. This is the writing of ‘factual’ material in an entertaining way. Every good Copy/Content writer should have this ability and if they do they can turn your website pages, blogs etc into something magical as opposed to just un-inspiring , dull information.

Professional Copy/Content writers have the time and the motivation to write your stuff

There’s an old saying that ‘Everyone has a book in them.’ Certainly everyone has a story to tell or valuable advice to impart to others, which means you could create at least a good short story or better still an ‘E-book’ to add to your website. There is no better way to drive customers to your website than through the many blogs and social media posts that can be derived from just one good E-book! Problem is these books or E-books never get written for two reasons. People don’t have the time or the motivation to do so. Well no problem... you don’t need either, you just need some money to hire a good professional Copy/Content writer who includes ghost writing as one of his services, or who can write your entire E-book for you. Once again ask for samples of his work in this regard. A professional writer makes the time and has great motivation to get your work written for you!

In summary

Whatever you want to get written to impress, inform or educate your customers, the question you need to ask yourself is “Can I afford for this to be written badly or boring to read?” If not, ask yourself the obvious follow up question “Can I afford for this to be written professionally?” You may be pleasantly surprised to find out that many reputable writers work at very reasonable rates so contact me for a quotation. You have nothing to lose to find out, but a good reputation to lose if your material is poorly written!

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